What Does it Take to Install a Lock?

It’s easy to imagine lock installation as a straightforward process that requires nothing more than a simple “insertion” of lock inside the holes provided in your doors. Naturally, lock installations aren’t as simple as that. If it was, the studies and training needed in order to enter the industry are unnecessary. Before a lock is installed, the area it will, most likely, permanently reside in has to be studied and measured.

A cylinder lock isn’t ideal for heavy duty doors and on the other hand, padlocks aren’t the safest choice for front doors. The purpose has to be properly laid out and the type of door has to be taken into account. Normal wooden door locks need nothing more than the standard cylinder-type locks. Depending of the height of security you’re looking for, your padlocks shouldn’t have to be that thick and heavy. The owner’s budget has to be taken care of as well.

Measurements are done with precision that months or years of experience only a professional locksmith will have. Your lock has to fit nice and snug inside your door. A lock that’s sticking out is a lock that’s easy to mess up.

If this sounds like something you’re worried about or you’re looking for the right people to install your locks for you, consider giving us a call at D&M Locksmiths and we’ll be more than happy to help you.